Posted on 5th April 2017

Saturday 25th March was a gloriously sunny day and our Severn Hospice Skydivers were flying high with perfect visibility as they enjoyed a once in a lifetime experience.
Team Severn Hospice arrived at midday at Whitchurch Dropzone, Tilstock Airfield, to sign in ready for safety instructions. After a thorough briefing the team waited in the spectator area for photographs before being called to jump.
With near perfect conditions and clear blue skies, the airfield reported one the best days for visibility in several years. As the plane climbed to the required 10,000ft, jumpers could see all along the North Wales Coast, The Dee and Mersey Estuaries, Liverpool and even Ireland in the distance.
There were some who had decided to jump in memory of loved ones who had been cared for by our hospice and others who wanted to face their fears whilst supporting a local charity.
Gradually our jumpers were called to take their place on flights alongside regular club jumpers who were parachuting alone. The flight took them up to 10,000ft before the most challenging sit-down of their lives – perched with their legs hanging out of the open door of the plane!
Lauren Ascroft, of Rockford IT, took part and said: “The skydive was hands down the best thing I have ever done, falling through the air at 120mph was amazing. When the parachute opened up you could hear a pin drop and the views were incredible, I could even see the Isle of Man! It was all for a fantastic cause and something I would recommend to anyone. Sign yourselves up for October!”
The nine supporters who took part on the day have raised over £3,000 altogether to help Severn Hospice provide the best care and a better life for people living with an incurable illness, and for those important to them.
We would like to thank everyone who took part for working so hard to support our hospice and we’re excited to take to the skies again in October.
If you would like to take part in this once in a lifetime experience when we go back to the Dropzone on October 7th, then please take a look at our website for more information here: